actual price : The price of any commodity which can be immediately sold or delivered
market supply - market offer
agency contract
maturity rate
agreed price
to meet a deadline
all-in price
missing goods
allowance - reduction
to negotiate
amount - sum
amount of an invoice
net price
approximate price
non delivery
article - item
non-returnable packing
as per sample
old stocks - oddments
assortment - range
on account
assortment of sizes
on credit
back order - outstanding order
backlog of orders
order acquisition
order approval
to bargain over the price
order book : so dat hang
batch - lot of goods
order confirmation
business card (GB) - calling card (US) : danh thiep kinh doanh
order from catalogue
to buy by instalments (GB) - to buy on the instalment plan (US)
order processing
to buy for cash
packing charged at cost
to buy in bulk - to buy wholesale
packing excluded
to buy on credit
packing included
buyer - purchaser
to cancel an order
to pass an order
to cash - to collect
to pay in advance
cash before delivery
cash discount : bot gia tra som
payment by cheque : thanh toan bang chi phieu
cash on delivery(COD) (GB) - collect on delivery (US) : tra tien khi nhan hang
payment by instalments : tra dan, tra lam nhieu ky
cash sale : ban bang tien mat
payment in advance : tam ung, thanh toan truoc
cash with order
payment on account
catalogue (GB) - catalog (US)
point of sale - sales outlet
catalogue price
poor quality
price ceiling
claim - complaint
price decrease - price reduction
to collect a debt
price fluctuation
colour reference
price marked up by 10%
commercial agent
price range
commercial invoice
price recommended by the manufacturer
commercial letter
price reduction
commission - fee
price tag
company store - factory outlet
price/quality ratio
competitive price
complaints department
pro-forma invoice
complimentary - free
purchase invoice
to confirm an order
quality defect
contract of sale
quality standards
customer - client
customer assistance
to raise prices
customer portfolio
customer service department
cut in prices - lowering of prices
to refuse an order
date of expiry (GB) - expiration (US)
regular customer
date of receipt
representative office
retail price
defective - faulty
retail sale - retailing
del credere commission
retail trade - retailing
delay in delivery
retailer - retail dealer
delay of payment
delayed delivery
sale - selling
sale by sample
delivery charges
sales commission
delivery date
sales department
delivery order
sales discount
discount on quantity
sales force
discount price
sales invoice
discount scale
sales meeting
to distribute
sales period
drop in sales
sales proposal
dumping price
sales returns
duty-free shop
sales target
to enclose
sales volume
enquiry - inquiry
salesman - seller
everyday article
sample collection
exclusive agreement
sample only - of no commercial value
exclusive contract
exclusive right of sale
execution of an order
second-hand items
ex-factory price
exportation - export
to sell by sample
extension of payment
to sell in bulk
factory price
to sell off
faulty goods
to sell on commission
first choice
to sell out
to fix a price
to sell wholesale - to wholesale
for sale
selling expenses
foreign branch
settlement of the invoice
free gift - complimentary gift
shop - store (US)
free trial
full price
slump in prices
goods in stock
sole agency
goods on consignment
sole agent
to grant a delay of payment
to grant a discount
special offer
to guarantee (GB) - to warrant (US)
specified price
guaranteed free of faults
spot goods - on-the-shelf goods
illustrated catalogue
steady prices
immediate delivery
to import
to submit an invoice
import licence
suggested price - recommended price
importation - import
to supply
to suspend payments
to increase sales
temporary import
intermediary - middleman
terms of payment
to invoice
terms of sale
invoice - bill
time of delivery
invoice price
top quality
to keep prices down
trade practices
lead time
trade price
list price
trial order
loss of customers
unit price
to lower prices
lump sum price
wholesale discount
to make a delivery
wholesale price
to make an estimate
wholesale trade
market prices
Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 3, 2008
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